Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday July 24 (pm) - 6M

This was actually a very hard run. Leaving work at 5:50, I made a late decision to try to get to Fresh Pond in time to run (if not race) the five miler there. Not only did I have to drive there (30 minutes on the best days), I had to get gas for the car, and change my clothes beat the traffic. Luckily, I arrived just as Sue McNatt was arriving with the table. I never did pay my 50 cent entry fee, though.

Started slow, since I had only warmed up with a few hundred yards of jogging and a little stretching, and was immediately left behind by Tom, Terry, and Jonathan. Did I mention it was also raining steadily? After a mile or two I started feeling pretty good, and ran the last 3 miles at closer to a tempo pace. The whole thing was by myself, though. Jogged a mile after it was all over to make six.

Day 6M
Week 25M
Summer 277M

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