Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday June 16 (pm) - 6M

Ran from Cold Springs with a bunch of folks watching the sky the whole time. We lucked out, getting our run in before the lightning came.

Again, I felt surprisingly good. I don't quite know what to make of that, since I was expecting to feel tired from yesterday's puddle run.

Day 6
Week 6
Summer 49


Rob 41 said...

Jon - Hello. I have been following your fun and informatiive NNHSXC blog for several months. Glad to see you started your summer training blog. What was your injury and what are your training and racing plans for the next few months? Are you going to Spokane for the Masters Nationals? I am a "student" of the Lydiard school and Peter Snell is a hero of mine. Just curious if you follow a Lydiard type schedule. Noticed you like No Bugles No Drums (I have two copies!) All the best.

Jon Waldron said...

Thanks for the comment, Rob! Those are all good questions and they deserve a lengthy response. I'll try to oblige soon.