Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday June 23 (pm) - 7M - Singing in the rain

This was one of those days when it really helped to have other people to run with. Severe thunderstorms hit Eastern mass in the afternoon, and I decided to cancel the group run from Cold Springs Park. I ended up staying at work until quarter to seven, and arriving home at quarter past. By this time it was late, gloomy, and I was getting hungry and feeling tired.

Then David called and said that he was running with Noah in 10 minutes. Did I want to join them? Absolutely! We ran 7 miles from Noah's house, finishing with a pretty solid last two miles up the Firehouse hill. My legs were hurting, but I had breath enough to belt out the lyrics to an Arlo Guthrie song while David expounded on his off theories of education, social inequality, and life in general. Yes, it was a little strange.

Day 7M
Week 7M
Summer 87M

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