Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tuesday June 10 (pm) - 5.5M

Temperature at 6:30 p.m. when I left work was 97 in Boston. I drove to the Minuteman Trail Visitor Center and ran a five-mile out and back loop, adding on a half mile at the end to make it 40 minutes.

I took it easy for most of the way, and although it was hot, running on the trails in the shade and with a slight breeze made it feel fairly comfortable. I didn't have water in the car, so I had to make do with a bottle of Gatorade that had been in the back seat all day.

My right hamstring continues to be sore when I start, but seemed to loosen up alright after a couple of miles.

Profound thought of the day: there's really no reason you would ever want to try hot Gatorade.

Day Total 5.5
Week Total 11.0
Summer Total 11.0

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